Obama lessens US ban on offshore drilling
Thursday, April 1, 2010 US President Barack Obama has announced that he will ease the country’s ban on offshore oil drilling, which has been in place since the 1980s. According to the plan, offshore drilling would now be allowed in parts of the Atlantic, from Delaware down to 125 miles beyond the shoreline of Florida, […]
Category:July 26, 2010
? July 25, 2010 July 27, 2010 ? July 26 Pages in category “July 26, 2010” Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Category:July_26,_2010&oldid=1849130”
New stadium in Auckland for 2011 rugby world cup preferred by NZ government
Friday, November 10, 2006 The New Zealand government has said that it prefers building a new stadium at Auckland’s waterfront to host the grand final of the 2011 rugby world cup, instead of upgrading Auckland’s current stadium, Eden Park. The preference was made public by the Honourable Trevor Mallard who is the minister for the […]
? April 27, 2005 April 29, 2005 ? April 28 Pages in category “April 28, 2005” Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=Category:April_28,_2005&oldid=1082573”
Love Your Legs Again With Spider Vein Treatment In New York
Read An Opinion On: Rope Galore October, 2013 byAlma Abell Living with spider veins in your legs can cause embarrassment during summer time in New York. It can also make women not want to wear skirts or do anything that may mean they will be showing off their legs. If you are among the many […]
Thursday, August 23, 2007 Researchers say that new, ten million-year-old fossils found in Ethiopia, prove that the theory that humans may have evolved from a species of great apes eight million years ago, may not be true, but that humans may have split from apes as long as 10.5 million years ago. At least nine […]