Facial Body Piercing Options

Facial body piercing options by Facial body piercing optionsHaving facial jewellery is very fashionable these days and your look can range from the subtle nose stud which is barely visible, to having rows of rings covering every extremity! Once you have considered the mind-boggling varieties on offer, you may feel quite perplexed. With that in mind, we wanted to create a guideline with some of the best facial jewellery types that you can choose from right away.Eyebrow piercingsThese piercings can be prone to rejection and migration, which is why it is certainly advisable to opt for a deeper initial piercing, even if these might not seem comfortable at first. Also, you need to opt for an eyebrow ring that has around 14-16 gauge thickness ideally, although its possible to go higher or lower depending on your preferences. Eyebrow rings can often look quite different from your usual captive bead rings, sometimes sporting a larger bottom ball. There are many other items that you can wear such as the spiral ring, hoops, circular bar bells and captive rings although the bent barbell would be the most sensible option. This type of piercing jewelry provides the most security and least likelihood of rejection whilst still giving you the look that you are aiming for in the end. Letting this heal without changing (or touching too much) alongside great cleaning practice, can give youre piercing the greatest chance to heal it heal before you opt for the larger gauges and jewelry pieces. You need to give this piercing a long time before it is safe to swap and change but once you do, it will be around forever and the possibilities of choosing an eyebrow piercing to match your style really open up! Cheek piercings, dimple piercingsThese can change your appearance quite dramatically giving the impression that you have the natural dimples youve always dreamed about. All cheek piercings have to be inserted through the oral cavity and they do require quite a bit of maintenance in order to look after the piercing and avoid any infections. A good quality cleaning product available from our section online and natural disinfectants such as tea tree oil can be used to keep the outer side of the cheek piercing clean and moisturised. If you repeat this process often it will help you keep the piercing in the best state for rapid and worry-free healing.The cheek area contains some very sensitive spots including the parotid ducts so its imperative that your piercer is well trained and has done this type of cheek piercing before. You can either opt for straight barbells or specific studs made for cheeks. All of these are great items to begin with but you have to ask for some softer models until you get accustomed with them then you can switch for the real deal.Nose piercingsNose hoops, are a classically popular look, having moved also down into the septum area with discreet septum rings becoming more socially acceptable. On top of that, you can also choose studs, which are versatile and more than suitable for the nose (as well as other locations such as the lips). Captive rings, or even a circular bar bell can be perfect for the nostril or septum too. For the septum itself, septum retainers or a septum piercing tusk might be right for you, but these are a bit more advanced as always, its important to talk with a professional and see what type of care you have to focus on for your particular facial piercing. Straight barbells can also be used to pierce all the way through the bridge of the nose.Lip piercingsThe lips have huge scope for piercing customisation! There are over 10 varieties of lip piercings classified on the market and they include rings and stud-type piercings. There is the classic Monroe (you can imagine what that entails!) to varying combinations and pairings of studs that pattern the lips. The most popular are called bites and combine labret piercings in varying patterns. Labret studs are generally found on the upper lip with rings and barbells found on the lower lip. AS always, good piercing care is essential for your lip piercings, and you can browse our Aftercare products section and our blogs for more advice on lip piercing aftercare. Dermal facial piercingsDermal piercings are one of the most versatile kinds of piercing due to the nature of how they are applied it is simply a case of applying a small dermal anchor under the skin, so there are many places on the body that these can work the face being a perfect example! You can add them at the corner of your eyes, on the temples, cheeks and so on. When the anchor heals into the skin, the dermal top can be changed, and you are limited only by your imagination. The skin around a dermal anchor can take up to 10 weeks to properly heal, so patience is essential messing with this piercing early is certainly not advisable.Nose hoops, are a classically popular look, having moved also down into the septum area with discreet septum rings becoming more socially acceptable. On top of that, you can also choose studs, which are versatile and more than suitable for the nose (as well as other locations such as the lips).Article Source: eArticlesOnline.com